Topographic Surveys
A topographic survey is a plan view of existing improvements and land configurations on a designated area. It is rarely prepared as an end in itself. Rather, it is generally used as a basis for land planning and design of improvements. We provide topographic surveys with sufficient detail for these purposes. Our surveys include aerial topography, field shot topography, and scanning. No job is too large, or too small.
Boundary Surveys
Our surveying services encompass all aspects of boundary surveying related to land development, including tract and parcel maps, lot line adjustments, ALTA surveys, corner records and records of survey, legal descriptions and exhibits, etc.
Construction Phase Surveying
We perform the full range of construction phase services, from staking and monitoring to certifications.
Civil Engineering
We provide civil engineering services for site improvements for land development projects, from single family residences up to large residential, commercial, and institutional projects.
Custom Residential
We specialize in the preparation of Grading, drainage, and erosion control plans for custom residential properties. Experience and expertise in this type of work is vital for these projects, especially in hillside and coastal areas. We have completed hundreds of such projects, both large and small, from assistance in site planning, through plan preparation and regulatory review, to preparation of Water Quality Management Plans and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans.
Tract Residential
We provide civil engineering services from project inception to project completion, beginning with topographic and boundary surveying and Tentative Map preparation. After conditional approvals have been secured, we prepare plans for both public and private improvements, such as Rough/Precise Grading Plans, Erosion Control Plans, Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP), Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), Hydrology and Hydraulics Reports, and Street, Sewer, Water, and Storm Drain Improvement Plans.
We have provided civil engineering services for numerous commercial, educational, and institutional projects all over Southern California, such as shopping centers, office buildings, self-storage centers, public and private schools, and churches.
Public Works
We are experienced in the preparation of plans for public works improvements, including street, sewer, water and storm drain improvement plans for various public agencies throughout Southern California.
Storm Water Quality
The protection of California’s surface and groundwater resources is closely connected to land development activities. The increasing reach of state and local regulations means that even small residential projects may be required to demonstrate compliance with stormwater regulations during and after construction. This involves preparation of Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), which are required by many public agencies prior to issuance of building or grading permits.
Toal Engineering is experienced in the preparation of WQMPs and SWPPPs for both residential and commercial projects pursuant to the requirements of the most recent statewide Construction General Permit and regional NPDES permits.